Posted by rjlockhart37 on June 30, 2020, at 13:39:26
i've been taking it for a while, firs they say its long acting, which it does its half life is 200 hours. But im saying when i take half tablet or 5mg tablet, it only lasts for exactly 7 hours. Then i can feel it worn off, and anxiety comes back. It's not so much effective for panic attacks, you would have to take 20mg to calm down from panic attack. And plus 20mg diazepam is equal to about 2mg of alrazolam, not in doses, but potency. You see people taking 2mg bars and getting intoxicated, or very relief. This does, but it doenst bring that level of relief and almost a high, or antidepressant feeling from xanax. US, xanax is the most prescribed benzodiapine, most doctors use. And, for one reason, th eamont of relief it brings, lorazepam is 2nd, clonazepam is potent but it feels like phenobarbital calm, not euphoric kinda sedating and depressing, at higher doses.
To feel absolute relief, usally 15mg is the dose to take. I take the 5mg, yea it does bring a calm, but nothing alprazoaln,
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-Shannon L Alder