Posted by rjlockhart37 on December 10, 2019, at 23:44:26
i've been on diazepam now for about 1-2 months, it worked when i started taking it. Diazepam hits gaba-a receotors, i was put on it to for anxiety from a med that hits gaba-b receptors, and it's like i have to take the diazepam with it, to make the anxiety go away. If i take a 5mg tablet of diazepam, it does have a calming effect, but when it goes up to 10mg, ... it does have a calming effecct but not relief effect. I'm worried the gaba-b receptors are expecting to be hit, instead of gaba-a, and require them to be relief for anxiety. I'm worried, i don't have badly problems with anxiety, but some strange things around the house started happening, dealing with just spiritual stuff, lights going on and off, power going off in parts of the house, poltergeist activity, and it scared the hell out of me. I had to go to the doctor to get off a certain med that hits gaba-b recetprs, i really ... worried. I hope anyone who knows about GABA receptors, benzo's hit gaba-a receptors, another med works on gaba-b and it feels like it requires it for anxiety relief.
Just some small knowedge from anyone, does gaba-a receptors, how are they diffrent from gaba-b receptors?
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder