Posted by elanor roosevelt on November 7, 2015, at 21:23:22
been trying 10mgdoxepin with 10mg Ambien
my pdoc won't prescribe the 15mg of ambien that i require to sleep
this is all so stupid and i get hung over from the doxepin
i was hoping to fall asleep in a more mild way
sleep has always been a problem for me even as a child
i need something to put me to sleep
i usually wake up in the night and pee, talk to the cat or the wall and then go back to sleep and this is fine
the problem is that i want to stop taking ambien completely but it is the cleanest (as far as getting up in the morning) of any sleeping med i have tried
however, i ingest huge amounts of food after i take ambien
the weight i have gained on meds is too much and my knees and feet are feeling it
and it's affecting my mobility overall
i'm 5ft4 and almost 180 pounds
what happens with the ambien
what is the process that urges the eating of so much ?
poster:elanor roosevelt