Posted by pattisun16 on December 5, 2014, at 23:14:32
Now that I've tried Pamelor (ick) and am down to 20 mg of Celexa (most days), my internal med doctor gave me 20 mg of
Cymbalta to try for pain. I'm back on my Amitrptyline, I get migraines too. I was instructed to stop Celexa (been on that for 15 years, help my anxiety disorder well). Her claim: Cymbalta will work on my anxiety order and my pain and my migraines?
And cut the Amitryptyline down to 10 mg.
I take a lot for pain, 50 mcg of Fentanyl and then 4 Norco. Can't take NSAIDS.
ANYONE FAMILIAR WITH THESE MEDS, experience appreciated.
I also read that Cymbalta has a short life in your system, thus making it hard to go off of. Do you all remember Paxil--had to take Prozac to get off of that!!Thanks group!!
Patti in CA