Posted by crabcakebenny on June 9, 2014, at 20:30:33
I've been in an endless process of switching, tweaking and adding different psych meds for the past year. I'm currently on 225 mg of Effexor and 20 mg of Latuda. I feel dull & blunted; I don't really feel the 'fullness' of emotions anymore. I'm used to it, but it depresses me and it's all I think about. I feel like I'm some idle passenger in my own life; things that I enjoyed and used to make me feel alive don't really have much effect anymore.
I'm pretty desperate to find treatment options that won't cause emotional blunting/apathy/dullness, what have you. benzos and stimulants aren't an option currently. I've come to resent antipsychotics because of what I stated before. I keep skipping doses of Latuda to see if I can increase my emotional response, and I'm attempting to lower the Effexor. this is all discouraged by my doc, who's pretty much set on atypicals & sris being my only treatment options.
Social phobia is the main issue i'm trying to deal with, as well as dysthymia, intrusive thoughts & compulsions. the works.
So if I choose to be go off medication, it'll probably end up in a huge mental relapse. If I'm on it i'm relegated to feeling numb all the time.
uh, wow. anyways, that's it. sorry for the lengthy post. I've just felt really isolated in this struggle and I'm hoping some of you seasoned psychmedheads could throw out some ideas.
thanks guys.