Posted by floatingbridge on May 20, 2011, at 23:20:59
I am feel very stimulated in an odd way. It's different than any dexedrine edge. It feels weird and quietly intolerable. It seems I have two extreme speeds: bedridden and now, the jangled nerves of a racer. Mid day was fine.
I swam with my son in an 85° pool.
Could that have increased the amout of segeline from the emsam patch?
Please tell me this could even out.I don't want to be hyper-manic. I never
have been before. I don't like feeling this ramped up. And I had such a good
day. My pain was so low.Has anyone had bumpy maoi or emsam start up?
* and whoever gazes at the stars will never again be quite alone...
c-ptsd & attendant health concerns