Posted by Cydnie on November 10, 2010, at 18:17:03
I've been having a horrible time trying to find an antidepressant, tried ssris, snris, tcas, lamictal, wellbutrin through the years and nothing has come close to the antidepressant effect I feel from taking adderall. Of course when that wears off, you need to take more, or you're back where you were. With an SSRI, it stays in your system longer. So I've been wondering if there is anything remotely similar to what adderall does, but in a long acting form, like an SSRI? Does anyone have any suggestions? I almost ordered some things abroad (stablon, valdoxan) to try something new, but thought maybe there still is something someone on the board may have used with their doc that my doc hasn't thought of yet? I'm so sick of feeling this way (I know I'm not alone, I know. Just feel alone in this.) I feel so hopeless sometimes to be resigned to being miserable?