Posted by Phillipa on May 16, 2009, at 17:40:56
Just got home from getting my bioidentical hormones and low and behold the owner of the pharmacy was there. He with other docs holds seminars in our area. Well long story short you can get your neurotransmitters tested by urine. Didn't know this. I found out when we were discussing SSRI's and benzos he suggested the testing as a way to know if I could supplement with something to get off. He doesn't believe in SSRI's as he said they depleat neurotransmitters. Suggested the testing as this way bye bye to benzos forever. Also brought the adrenal axix and thyroid axis into conversation. Learned so much. Love Phillipa ps he also will never get a vaccination. He believes as some that especially flu vaccines are worthless as thousands of strains out there. Well that's my story of today sure I've left other things out.