Posted by seldomseen on October 2, 2007, at 13:59:10
In reply to Anyone on SSRI's for Depression?, posted by Maria01 on October 1, 2007, at 20:58:35
I take prozac and the only start up effects that I had was some pretty intense anxiety - with the tremors and palpitations that you had, but that mostly passed. I still have a slight high frequency tremor that caffeine just sends into overdrive - to the point that it is hard to do any precise work with my hands.
I tried wellbutrin to quit smoking and it just made me horribly nauseous.
Whatever SSRI or med you end up on I would highly recommend laying off the caffeine.
My mom had some outrageous GI effects on paxil. I know a lot of people that take zoloft to lose weight and, in my opinion, it just makes them manic.
Although it is intended as an anti-anxiety med, have you considered buspar? I have a friend who takes that (yes I hang around in a heavy pharmaceutical crowd) and have improved dramatically.