Posted by Squiggles on February 6, 2007, at 17:27:15
Sorry, to deviate the thread on 'Ashton Rocks'.
I thought that my search for the benzo with a
a past may be clearer with a new title.I found something:
"Marketing Assessment: Neurontin in Psychiatric
Disorders" Parke Davis Marketing, Planning (Confidential)xpdf:/tmp/jc
"a) Acute
The benzodiazepines are the only treatment currently approved for the treatment of
panic disorder. In the U.S. alprazolam (UpJohn) is the only compound approve d
while clonazepam (Roche indicated for myoclonic epilepsy) is extensively used
without a formal claim. In Europe, alprazolam and bromazepam (Roche) are used but
not always for panic disorder. Listed below is a summary of the current medical
practice of Panic Disorder."NB "without a formal claim"-- that means without medical experience or research, right?
and on p. 37
"7. The C7onazepam (Roche) Case Study
Clonazepam was initially studied and approved as an anticonvulsant used alone or as an
adjunct in the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and akinetic and myoclonic seizures .
In studies, up to 30% of patients showed a loss of anticonvulsant activity often within three
months of administration, therefore offering limited utility in epilepsy.
Several psychiatrist anecdotally reported an antipanic effect in some patients. These
reports led Roche to fund several studies in panic disorder. The publication of favorabl e
results is directly linked to the success of the brand . During 2Q'94 U.S.clonazepam sales
exceed $160 million with a five year average annual growth rate of +37°/e. The majority of
clonazepam sales and growth is attributed to the off label use by psychiatrists in the
treatment of panic disorder.""anecdotally" -- rather sloppy, imho, but as this report says, they have to tackle this panic disorder disease taking over the nation, with
This is a pdf file.Squiggles