Posted by millie on March 5, 2003, at 11:01:01
In reply to Re: Weight gain! Dizziness! Help!, posted by starlight on February 25, 2003, at 18:19:53
Starlight - tell me a little more about those medicines you mentioned that you take now. I tried Wellbutrin, but that made me a mean, nasty person. Thank God the side effects from withdrawal from Effexor are FINALLY over, but the weight is not coming off. The Atkins diet is not good for people who don't have very strong kidneys, so that knocks me out. I'll try the yoga you suggested. It seems that my metabolism has completely stopped due to the Effexor. I eat 99% fat free soup and/or salad with no fat dressing, etc for my meals every day plus excercise several hours a week and I am still very overweight. I was in a size 8 in August. Now I'm in a 16. Now that I'm off the Effexor, the depression is back and crying in the dressing room of the department store because after trying on 20 bathing suits and nothing fits doesn't make it any better. I'm about to the point of moving my office into my house and not coming out again. Any suggestions from anyone is appreciated!