Posted by Patient on March 1, 2003, at 16:39:02
In reply to REMERON - PLEASE HELP - I CAN ***NOT*** EAT, posted by shakingoscar on March 1, 2003, at 6:48:09
When did you last discontinue Celexa and how long have you been taking it?
You were taking Celexa at the higher dosage end.
Remember that one can go from one antidepressant to another that has a slightly different mode of action, with the results of withdrawal symptoms from discontinuing the first drug.
Anger is one of the more common withdrawal effects of SSRI's as well as SNRI's like Effexor. I experienced extreme anger outbursts when I discontinued 20 mg of Celexa--this began to occur about day 5, but was especially worse going into week two. I ended up going back on Celexa.
This could occur with Serzone as well. What dose were you taking and for how long?
Nausea and a lack of appetite also occurs when disonctinuing these drugs.
As for Remeron, at lower doses it actually causes an increase in appetite as a result of blocking histamine receptors. This is also what causes the extreme sleepiness at lower doses. Remeron causes the serotonin system to get turned down and the norepinephrine system to be turned up, but this occurs at higher doses. You shouldn't have to worry about the norepinephrine system if you only take it at low doses. One reason doctors increase Remeron qucikly after starting a patient on it is to counteract the drowsiness and the increase in appetite that commonly occurs at the low dose end. Increasing the dose stimulates norepinephrine which counteracts these effects. The lower dose end is better for those that suffer from extreme anxiety or that need help with sleep. You are already at the high end for Remeron. The usual start up dose is 15 mg a day, and depending upon response, increased to 45 mg a day.