Posted by TommyTommy on February 11, 2003, at 1:59:57
Hello, My name is Tommy, I'm 26 and I've been taking meds on and off since the age of 15. The only combination to ever have relatively good succes with was a combination of 1500mg of Depakote and 150mg of Effexor. I took that combination for about 3 years and then decided to come off of it for a variety of reason. One of which being absolutely no libido and secondly I'm only 26 and I wanted to see if I somehow might actually be cured of whatever chemical deficiency I had in my brain. I more or less cut back and then discontinued the Depakote rather quickly and then weened off of the Effexor over a 2-3 month time period. I felt great for about one week when the cloud in my mind and the side effects seem to lift away and then BANG. I CRASHED BIG TIME. To sum up this story, I went back to my shrink who immediately put me back on 1500mg of Depakote bumped up to 2000mg today and for an AntiDepressent he told me about this new drug (of coarse you know how these psychiatrists get with promoting the new drugs.....even if they might be total garbage they try to sound all optimistic because they have their cute little sample packets and probably huge kickbacks from the pharmasutical manufacturers of the drugs) called Lexapro. He put me on a standard dose of 10Mg and that's where I've been for just about almost a month now. Compared to where I was when I crashed it has definitely made me less desperate and depressed but upon comparing it to Effexor it doesn't seem to compare. On the Effexor I seemed to be more sociable, outgoing, and had a bit more energy. This drug seems to make me even more tired than I felt on Effexor and my mind just kind of feels like it's stuck in first gear. I really don't feel like doing much of anything except to sleep and watch T.V. I wonder if Effexor is just dominate because it also works to raise the Norepenefrine levels. Anybody with an experience like mine, a comment, or some friendly knowledge is definitely welcomed to write back in response to this message.