Posted by freedom2001 on June 18, 2002, at 10:44:45
Dear all,
I wish to distribute some information here.
Take 3 fish oil (omega 3) capsules a day. The EPA and DHA contents should be around 3000 mg. This is a kind of mood stabilizer, norishes the brain as it converts omega 6 acids to 3 acids, which are flexible, and calms you down, relieve you of depression and helps to reduce OC symptoms in many individuals.Take lots of complex carbohydrates eg. potatoes, wheat bread, brown rice etc to boost your serotonin production. Don't take coffee, caffeine, soft drinks and junk food. These contain caffeine that increases your anxiety.
Take lots of vegetables and fruits. Cut down on meats.
Take calcium and magnesium supplements to further calm you down.
If you have no response to a particular SSRI, augment it (eg. prozac with trazodone, clonazepam, anafranil). Also increase the SSRI to maximum dosage and stay on it for a longer period of time.EXERCISE THERAPY
Exercise, but don't engage in competitive sports as they boost your dopamine and NE levels. Engage in relaxing sports such as walking, swimming, running, stretching.MUSIC THERAPY
Listen to soft relaxing music as this boosts your serotonin levels also.HOBBY THERAPY
Don't play exciting games like roller coaster, video games as these increase your dopamine and NE levels significantly. OCD patients have high levels of dopamine and NE levels. So there is a need to reduce these levels. Engage in relaxing hobbies instead.BEHAVOIORAL THERAPY
Spikes are the moments when you are attacked by thoughts. Ruminations are the moments when you are obsessing. Risk taking and living with uncertainty as well as being contented with less than perfect is the antidote to OCD. The critical variable here is NOT to attend to the ruminations. The spikes will increase when you are getting better. The important thing is not to attend to the rumination. This is very similar to exposure and prevention.SPIRITUAL THERAPY
Studies have been conducted that shows that prayer, bible study, church attendance helps depressed patients. Faith in God and Jesus Christ is very important. Devote a time segment to God daily, praying and communicating to Him. Seek His kingdom first, seek His wisdom, surrender everything to Him, and seek His healing.Take these down and tell me how it goes.
God bless.
1st edition. June 18 2002.