Posted by JGalt on December 1, 2001, at 11:09:20
In reply to Re: Sudafed is much weaker than Wellbutrin!!!!!!!, posted by JohnDoenut on November 30, 2001, at 14:31:56
No problem with taking it for reasons other than asthma...When was the last time you were in a GNC store or saw some new weight loss product on TV that was supposed to give you energy and help you loose weight simultaneously? Chances are, it contained ephedrine (or a corresponding amount of the herb ephedra) and caffeine. There's nothing wrong with using it long term (actually I've been on it more or less nonstop for the last 2.5 yrs), except that you develop some tolerance (caused by desensitization of beta receptors) to the effects. Not complete tolerance but significant. I've noticed that supplementing with 10mg selegiline helps a lot. Another idea I'm currently using instead (since I'm on wellbutrin and my doc won't let me have WB and selegiline) is taking a short acting beta blocker at night (currently using Inderal, little longer acting than I'd like), and ephedrine in the day. This way the beta receptors become resensitized during the night and you sleep more soundly, yet are more awake during the day.
The herb ephedra for me feels subjectively the same as ephedrine...the herb is actually much cheaper if you look around for a while for it, just doesn't taste the greatest (like really strong coffee, maybe some would like).
Bad side effects of constant use can include anxiety and some physical depedance in that you can't stop it immediately w/o being really tired for the next 2-3 days. Might also not be the best idea if you are already underweight or anorexic. Anyone w/ heart problems is not supposed to take it. Supposedly ppl w/ depression are also not supposed to take it, but I think that's problably just to cover the manufacturers butt if someone w/ depression took a lot of it to a. kill themselves or b. to feel better for a day then took none the next day and felt a lot worse than usual and complained.