Posted by SLS on March 26, 2001, at 15:23:37
In reply to Re: New theories of mental disorders needed (long), posted by Eric on March 26, 2001, at 11:19:10
Dear Eric,
I think psychiatry may be a bit further along than how you describe it.
The following publications by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the federal government, reflect the current state of psychiatry world-wide.
1. Depression Research at the National Institute of Mental Health
2. Bipolar Disorder Research at the National Institute of Mental Health
3. Genetics and Mental Disorders:
Report of the National Institute of Mental Health's Genetics Workgroup
I am not sure it is reasonable to conclude for ourselves what causes depression when scientists cannot even determine what does not. From what I have seen written, most scientists are indeed continuing to look with objectivity for new data and new hypotheses in a truly intense effort to understand the causes of, establish remedies for, and prevent mental illness. New and valid ideas can come from anywhere, even from Psycho-Babble. However, I would not place my bets against neuroscience and psychiatry to come up with a few themselves.Just my perspective.
- Scott