Posted by JohnL on May 3, 2000, at 4:26:37
In reply to ritalin, posted by harry b. on May 2, 2000, at 10:24:28
At this board as well as my own experience, I have seen just the opposite of what your doctor said. Ritalin is the one that seems very abusive. And best results seem to be with Adderall. Since we all know our mileage may vary, and responses are quite different from one person to the next, I hope your doctor is at least open to trying Adderall if Ritalin disappoints. Personally I found ritalin to be an inexpensive legal form of cocaine. Highly abusable. Adderall is much smoother, without the peaks and valleys of ritalin.This might be controlled study showed that a positive mood response to Ritalin predicts a positive response to the antidepressant Desipramine. A neutral or negative mood response to Ritalin predicts a positive response to Nortriptyline instead. Granted, the study is rather old and we haven't heard any followups on it, but it was a valid study with a fairly large 'n' with statistical significance. Though we often think of Nortriptyline and Desipramine as being similar and almost interchangeable, the ritalin reponse test shows they are quite different. Just some trivia. And for what it's worth, my views on ritalin and adderall are exactly the opposite of your doctor's. That's based on my own personal experience and many comments at this board.