Posted by Annie on March 16, 2000, at 20:14:48
Here's my story: I have taken too numerous to mention antidepressants for several problems. I wanted to just be able to take one drug for everything and celexa did not do it but it helped my depression. It did not help my ocd or ptss symptoms. So I went back to taking risperdal for the ptss and still some other symptoms were giving me the blues-no pun intended! I recalled that paxil helped for ocd but not for depression much-it stopped working for that. So recently I requested to be able to take celexa (10 mg.) with paxil (10 mg.) and the riperdal (1 mg.). I am curious about the combined effects related to how often serotonin syndrome happens and at what known doses of the ssri's. I read about the warning signs of the syndrome and am glad to know them but what is most important to me is if anyone has heard of the effect of these 2 drugs mixed at a low dose-celexa and paxil that is. I asked for this combo because I am desperate to alleviate the symptoms I have so I can become functional enough to get a job and keep it. {I have been suffering from these illnesses too long and yes, I've had lots of therapy and use what worked, too.} I would do good work but I fear getting fired for having embarrassing syptoms. So I want to get better and am willing to try something new to see if it helps.