Posted by Sean on February 4, 2000, at 17:08:08
Hey everybody,
It's been a while since I've been active at this site.
I've been on Neurontin (1200mg) for about 3 months and
it's made quite a difference in my life, though it is
very hard to describe the effect. I would like to hear
other peoples observations. Heres what I've noticed:(1) Seems to advance my sleep phase. Unlike AD's, which
make me wake up ealier and earlier, Neurontin seems
to push my waking time out further and further. It
does not help with falling asleep but I sleep much
longer.(2) My mood swings are definitely attenuated and I'm
no longer sure "where" I am in my cycle. My cycle
was about a month long, now I don't know where it
is. Kind of strange to be honest.(3) I'm feeling some antidepressant effect, but it is
more along the lines of having a stable lower
bound. I can almost feel my brain start to go
downward, but it jsut never gets too far.(4) I'm still able to be creative (I'm a musician and
writer) but things are a bit slower. The quality
of the work has changed in some ways, more
deliberate (mature?) perhaps. Less intense.(5) I'm still able to do analytical thinking (my day
job is extremely technical) but again, I'm not
as sharp as when I was at my best in the mood
cycle.(6) I have some blurry vision and memory loss. It does
feel like the gears of my brain have been jammed a
little.(7) No real weight gain problem. Sometimes I feel a
tad queasy after munching Neurontin.(8) Some changes in social phobia-like symptoms. I talk
with strangers more.Anyway, Neurontin is not the perfect med, but it does
seem to act as advertised for my version of bipolar.sean.