Posted by Bill on June 22, 1999, at 6:33:55
Hi,First wanted to say that I *really* enjoy this website. It's really an invaluable
source for people who need information regarding people's own experience with medications.
(I myself have gotten really great responses from several people over these past months.)
It's gratifying to see so many people who are genuinely concerned about the welfare of others...I have been a little surprised, however, when i see a few folks who seem to
be willing to try, or advocate, self-medication, i.e., start taking drugs without the explicit
recommendation of their own personal physician/psychiatrist. I know that access to doctors is
sometimes difficult (e.g., for financial reasons) and certainly doctors are NOT
infallible. But Dr. Bob's caveat (I believe something to the effect of seeing a physician
before taking any action) is really a good one. Anyway, don't mean at *all* to sound
preachy here. But I get scared when i see people think about mixing and matching drugs
themselves. I myself am not a psychiatrist (although i am a psychologist) but
from all indications as a general rule it's really dangerous to try med options on your own.
Just my opinion....