Posted by Fivefires on February 5, 2008, at 10:46:39
After a horrid 'nervous system breakdown' in 2005, was put on diazepam 10mg 3x a day.
I felt great relief, but think I also felt a little too much fatigue/'no care' attitude. I was on it for about a year; 3 yrs ago.
I wanted to get out and live my life and just didn't have the 'umpf'!
So, I switched to Xanax.(?)
Recently (Began in Nov.) my body began to eat up Xanax like crazy! (Or, at least the generic I was on, which I brought to the attn of my pharmacy, but wasn't taken seriously.)
My anxiety was killing me. I got to 2mg qid!
I just dc'd Xanax last Thursday as it had either become ineffective, as stated above, or was paradoxing.I went back to Valium.
I wasn't titrated from one to another. Pharms disagreed on the need for this. Didn't even occur to pdoc.
I was put on Val 10mg 3x a day. It's been a really bad 4days. I was detoxing! This wasn't the plan. The plan was to decrease my anxiety.
I called him Friday eve and he said I could take one more in the evening.
Still detoxing. No doc to reach!
It has now come to my attn that their is a generic alprazolam out there that is very much like Xanax.
I plan call pdoc today and suggest go back to this brand alprazolam. (I found a place that carries it.)
U n l e s s, I learn something new here today.
Can any1 explain how these two differ? Or, might there be another one I shouldn't be discounting? Pls understand my anxiety is crippling me.
Is there a website w/ a chart about the strengths and half-lives and sorts of relief or the benzodiazepines?
Am I wrong in thinking alprazolam is less sedating than diazepam?
Orrrrr, should I be looking at lorazepam? (I've always thought of it as a young person's first choice .. one which isn't strong enough for 'a serious case' like mine.)
And, as for Klonopin, it was like a snake in the grass for me. I'm not bashing it. I just wasn't given the proper info about it when I was given it. (BTW, my pdoc will not allow me to be on two benzos.) It was dc'd just b4 breakdown in 2005 so guess I have bad feelings about it. It's cold turkeying was probably the main reason for the breakdown.
Or, is there another I should be looking to?
If any1 w/ benzodiazepine knowledge could respond w/ their views or point me to a good website, I would appreciate it very much.
tks, 5f
and: This morning I'm thinking, well I got through it, and it was prob' good to have an alprazolam vacation.